Thursday, February 16, 2012

DIY Frosted Sun Jar

There are probably a million uses for these DIY sun jars. You can use them around your house, for parties, to light up a patio, or even to take camping. You can by similar ones from stores like Urban Outfitters, but it's much cheaper to make them yourself. And you can try different frosting sprays (some craft and hardware stores sell them in different shades, like light pink and blue) and if you can find a pre-assembled solar power cell, or if you're better at putting things like that together than I am, you can try to make them with different colored lights. 
You'll need a mason jar with a clear glass lid, a small solar garden light, adhesive, and glass frosting spray. 
Start by spraying the inside of the jar with the frosting spray, making sure that you don't get any on the lid or the solar light won't charge. Then take the solar cell you put together or harvested from the garden lamp and use the adhesive to glue it to the lid. Let it dry and put the top back on. Put your jar in direct sunlight and you're done! It will glow all night long after you've let it take in the sunlight for a day.

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